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Mecidiyeköy Mah. Mecidiye Cad. No:5 Estetikland Plaza Şişli İstanbul

The Best Hair Tightening Methods

Is there any way to stop hair thinning?

Hair thinning is a common problem that can sometimes progress slightly and sometimes ends up with permanent hair loss. In consequence of that hair follicles cannot be nurtered or affected by hormones, hair strands quality reduce or serious hair loss problems can occur for those reasons. In such cases, some medical solutions or treatments can be used for nourishing the hair follicles and hair tightening.

Basically, each hair strand has a life cycle. The hair follicles those are produced by the hair follicles grow and after a period of time they fall off so that the new hair strands grow. This cycle continues throughout life. Some special products and treatmants can be used in order to make the hairs strands stronger and get thicker and lush hair.

Hair tightening methods

Common Essentials of Hair Tightening Methods

Thanks to the methods applied regularly it can be ensured to have bushy hair in case of the early detection of hair thinning. Also, hair loss can be slowed down.In the case that there are tiny punctures on the scalp caused by hair loss, they can be healed by transplanting newly produced hair strands. It makes hair thicker and better quality by nourishing the strands. It extends the life cycle of hair follicles and hair strands. Hair loss caused by lack of nutrition can be recovered. Strands with hairy appearance can be repaired and hair gets a form of good quality.

Hair loss is rather frustrating for both men and women. For this reason, the methods used to remove the hair thinning can be effective on the psychology as well as the treatment of hair. Healthy and voluminous hair has a quite positive effect on the self-confidence of the individuals.

What can be done for hair tightening?

The methods for tightening hair can be listed as follows;

  • Hair care cures and products
  • Nourishing and strengthening medicines
  • Mesotherapy
  • PRP treatment
  • Hair transplantation

Before making a choice between hair tightening methods, it is higly important to discuss with a specialist and to make the necessary surveys and examinations to determine the cause of hair loss. The reason for this is that each person may have hair loss at different levels because of different reasons. The method applied to anyone may not be suitable or sufficient for you.

Hair care cures and Products

Hair care cures and products can offer a remedy for temporary, slight and periodical hair loss. These are suggestible for who have thin and falling out hair and result succesfully on the damaged hair by dyeing and styling with heat. Unfortunately they are not efficent enough on intensive hair loss.

Hair nourishing and boosting medicines

They shouldn’t be used without doctor advise. These cures and products are used as supplements  after the necessary blood tests are done in order to detect if hair loss is caused by lack of vitamins,. By means of these, hair is renewed inside. Vitamin supplements result succesfully preventing hair thinning and make it thicker again. In order to have a complete recover it is higly important that the  nourishing medicines should be taken regularly through the period recommended by the expert and according to the instructions.

Hair Mesothreapy

It is medical treatment including injection that can be applied to anyone from different ages. This methods is applied as injecting of a coctail consisted of various vitamins, minerals, protein and oligo-elements to the scalp. The aim of hair mesothreapy is to make the hair strands to produce quality and thicker hair by nurtering and giving them strength. It is determined that how many session is needed for the treatment right after analyzing of the hair structure of the patient. The first four sessions of the hair mesothreapy recommended as between 6-10 sessions on avarage, are applied once in a week and the rest once in 15 days.

PRP Treatment

It is a treatment method which is obtained by the patients’ own blood. Firstly, a certain amount of blood is distilled in the centrifuge. The distilled white blood cells are injected subcutaneously in the scalp in order to supply the hair follicles by adding platelet activators.

It is recommended PRP as 3 sessions to apply once in a month for hair tightening. The sessions may increase regarding the patient’s condition, By the repeated applications once in a year, healthy appearence of hair can be maintained after the treatment cure is completed.

This treatment has no side effects at all and it fixes the nerves and make the hair thicker and bushy, look alive and shinny. The paients who has hair loss more than 40%, can also be supported by alternative treatments.

Hair Transplant

The number of the people who is consulting to the clinics with hair loss problem is increasing day by day. Hair transplant can be applied to not only the patients with permanent hair loss but also who has thinning hair problem. There are two important things to always remember. The first, hair transplant is not a process that can stop hair loss. As for the second, to apply hair transplant may not result succesfully while hair goes on falling heavily.

Hair loss almost must be stopped or there must be thinning in general, or small opened areas must have occured even if the scalp is hairy in order to make hair transplant for the purpose of hair tightening,

Hair tightening process by hair transplant can be applied by the methods such as FUE (Foliculer unit extraction), DHI (hair transplant without shaving) and Percutan (hair transplant with needle)

Last modified: March 7, 2019

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