+90 533 133 6258
Mecidiyeköy Mah. Mecidiye Cad. No:5 Estetikland Plaza Şişli İstanbul

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+90 533 133 6258

Mecidiyeköy Mah. Mecidiye Cad. No:5 Estetikland Plaza Şişli İstanbul

Best Hair Transplant Center in Turkey

Things to consider while selecting hair transplant centre

Hairtransland hair transplant centre offers permanent solutions to hair loss problems with hair transplant techniques applied by experienced team.

In Central Asian geography that includes Turkey, Alopecia Areata and Androgenetic alopecia (accumulation of testosterone on hair roots, damaging hair roots and causing hair loss) are common diseases. Therefore, hair transplant centres in Turkey provide experienced and successful hair transplant. However, there are certain elements to be considered when selecting hair transplant centre for the operation. Because as Turkey becomes popular in global hair transplant, people who are not experts are in this sector for material gain.

Since hair transplant operations are surgical procedures applied under health sector, hair transplant centres or hospitals must be fully equipped and have experienced personnel. To prevent any hygiene related complications during transplant procedure, hygiene and sterilisation should be considered. In addition to sterilisation of transplant area under related health standards, it is important for equipment to comply with hygiene rules. Operations conducted in centres that fail to comply with health rules and standards will lead unsuccessful results and patients might experience a hard process where various health problems occur. It is important to remember that it is hard to correct mistakes than hair transplant operation.

hair transplant center in turkey

Hair transplant techniques

Genetics and testosterone hormone, Alopecia Aerate, skin problems, internal diseases, medication use, psychologic reasons and environmental factors might cause hair loss. Hair transplant is relocation of hair roots collected from back of the head (hair can be collected from chin or chest area) to hair loss area.

FUT technique (Follicular Unit Transplantation)

FUT technique is the oldest known hair transplant technique. Most important factor for hair transplant with FUT technique is skin elasticity of the patient. In FUT technique, patient’s hair are cut to 3 mm length. After shaving, back of the head in numbed with local anaesthesia and a strip with 1.5 cm thickness and 15 cm length that contains hair roots is collected. This region is closed with suture and hair roots are separated from tissue to be placed inside the channels opened in transplant area. Over time, advanced technology and new information led new techniques to be developed that eliminate scarring. For this reason, since there is need to cut and suture during FUT procedure and these cause scarring, this method is not preferred.

FUE technique (Follicular Unit Extraction)

FUE hair transplant technique has more advanced strategy compared to hair transplant with FUT technique. Number of grafts that can be transplanted with FUE technique depends on efficiency of donor region. In single operation, approximately 3000-4500 hair grafts can be implanted with FUE method. Total duration of hair transplant applied with FUE method can vary between 6-8 hours.

First stage of FUE technique is shortening all hair to 3 mm length by an expert team. After shaving, patient is asked to lie on his face and local anaesthesia is applied to back of the head. Hair roots with small amount of tissue (grafts) are loosen with special extraction tools called micro motor and collected with a tool that looks like tweezers. After collection process, patient is asked to lie on his back, local anaesthesia is applied to transplant area and canals are opened to place hair roots. Hair root groups with one or multiple roots are placed inside these canals after separating the root from tissues. After transplant is completed, donor region of the patient is dressed and transplant is completed.

Hair transplant with DHI method

DHI hair transplant can be defined as an application type rather than a technique. Because after hair roots are extracted with FUE technique, these roots are transferred to transplant area with DHI application method. Most important property that distinguishes DHI method from other hair transplant application is using special medical tools called “Choi Implanter” or “Choi Pens”. Choi pens are the main component of DHI method and this caused this method to be known as “hair transplant with Choi method”. This application is also known as “Direct Hair Transplant” and “non-shaving hair transplant”. In this method, there is no need to shave the hair around transplant area, therefore, this has been the favourite hair transplant method of women.

In DHI method, only donor region of the patient is shaved and grafts that contain hair roots are collected with micro motor or manually.  Each collected root is placed inside Choi without keeping in outside environment. Largest difference of DHI method and other hair transplant methods is that with Choi, canal opening and hair root placement can be made simultaneously.  In transplant area, canal is opened with Choi tip and hair root is placed inside this canals.

DHI method enables denser hair root implanting. This way, more natural and denser hair can be achieved. Front hairline symmetry which is extremely important in hair transplant can easily be adjusted with Choi pens by placing hairs in line with original growth direction and opening canals with correct angles.

Percutaneous hair transplant

Hair transplant with percutaneous method is a very special method that requires experience, care and expertise which can be applied in limited number of clinics around the world.  In percutaneous method just like in DHI method, hair roots are collected with FUE technique.  But, for transplant process, canals are opened with special micro tipped needles. This application caused this method to be known as “needled hair transplant”. Percutaneous micro canal method enables narrower angles when canals are opened. Therefore, this method offers the most natural front hairline results which is the most important detail in hair transplant.

This procedure starts by shaving patient’s hair to 3 mm length. After that, local anaesthesia is applied to donor area. Grafts in donor area are loosen with micro motor. Loose follicles are collected with a tool that looks like tweezer. After preparing hair roots for transplant, transplant area is numbed. By using micro tipped needles, round micro canals are opened. Inside these canals, hair roots prepared for transplant are placed.

With percutaneous hair transplant, it is possible to transplant 60-70 roots per cm2. Therefore, this method enables dense transplant of hair roots. Additionally, in this method, micro canals and hair root size exactly match. This match enables canals to grab hair roots better and minimise damage around transplant area. This way, root loss due to mismatch between canal and roots are prevented and recovery is accelerated.

It is possible to transplant 1400 graft in one session with percutaneous hair transplant. Therefore, percutaneous hair transplant is applied in two consecutive days.

Other details in hair transplant operations

Regardless of the techniques preferred in hair transplant, after hair roots complete adaptation process to new locations, they will become permanent hair roots. After hair loss of transplanted hair (shock loss), new hair will not fall down. Of course, hair transplant must be applied by experienced and expert doctor or team for permanent and successful results. With correct hair transplant centre selection, there is no reason for unsuccessful operation as all standards will be complied.

Hair transplant operations that result in natural and successful outcomes represents success of hair transplant centre. For natural and successful results after hair transplant, various standards must be followed during procedure.

  • When hair roots are collected from donor region, these hair roots must not get damaged,
  • Hair roots that wait for implanting after collection must be kept under suitable conditions to prevent any loss,
  • Front hairline symmetry,
  • Canal-root match,
  • Correct implant of hair roots, coherent growth with surrounding hair roots are the standards that effect natural look and success of this operation.

Hairtransland hair transplant centre

Hairtransland Hair Transplant Centre is offering services at international arena with 17 years of experience and expert and qualified team.  Personal hair design, FUE, hair transplant with Unshaved DHI and Percutaneous techniques, eyebrow transplant, beard transplant, moustache transplant, hair simulation, obesity surgery and plastic surgery services are offered.  All services are offered in sterile environment with highest quality and health standards by our expert doctors. After operations, our expert team offers preventive and supportive alternatives for the long run. Our business partnership with reputable hospital groups and our experience are our main references in health sector. Newest technologies in the sector are simultaneously applied in our centre.

Hairtransland hair transplant centre transplant procedure

Before all services, our client and expert team/doctor will make pre-interview. In this interview, we will learn expectation and health history of our client and inform the client about transplant operation. After this interview, our client is examined. If seborrheic dermatitis, tinea capitis, alopecia areata are found during this examination, these diseases are treated first. If hair structure is not suitable although there is no problem, mesotherapy is applied. During examination, (if any) problems are treated and a day is selected for hair transplant.

First procedure of transplant operation in our hair transplant centre is testing for Hepatitis C, Hepatitis B and HIV. After necessary test, if there is no health risk based on history of the patient, we start transplant stage.  Without damaging integrity and look of donor region, maximum number of grafts are collected. If back of the head of the patient is not suitable, roots are collected under the chin or from chest region. Canal opening is one of the most important stage since this stage is important for natural results and reducing complication risks. Transplant operation is completed by considering all these factors and by providing correct root angle and root distribution. Shampoo and lotions that should be used after the transplant are provided by our hair transplant centre. 2 days after the operation, hair is washed for the first time in our hair transplant centre.

All equipment used in the operations are sterilised in sterilisation tools according to health standards. Equipment are cleared off from all microorganisms including spores with high temperature and chemical liquids. In Hairtransland Hair Transplant Centre, we have Hepa filter to protect and  keep high hygiene standards.